Running a business can be challenging, but running a business in the fitness industry is probably one of the toughest tests in vision and tenacity that there is. Physique-based sports represent a very small, but growing niche of society. Covering and promoting muscular ladies is an even smaller niche and one that just ten years ago would have been met with skepticism at best. This is because there was a concerted effort by many in the industry to kill Women’s Bodybuilding. Initially, they tried to herald in Women’s Physique to accomplish this goal. Later, they’d try to kill WPD as well. In the years from them until now, we’ve seen what Jake Wood and his Wings of Strength have done. He totally changed the bodybuilding landscape, bought the Olympia, and brought back the Ms. Olympia. Similarly, Glen Young of @AmazonsFitMag has done his part to put out a quality publication, as well as membership website, and a robust social media effort, in order to work with and promote muscular women.

Glen has also invested in other sites with like-minded views. We are so happy to have Amazons Fit Magazine as a sponsor of StrengthAddicts and all StrengthAddicts pages. This key partnership helps both sites and is key to getting the word out about this fantastic publication. The magazine also sponsors other pages and works with some great advertisers of its own. Amazons is a great place for supplement companies, coaches, clothing and suit designers, and others to work with. Muscular women and those who support them are a fanatically-loyal and active bunch. Whatever they may lack in numbers, they totally make up for in religious-like devotion. The engagement is through the roof and that’s exactly the kind of format you want to advertise your goods and services on! Plus, people who support muscular women will thank companies that support the ladies, with their business. That’s how you make a statement with your wallet or purse!
In fact, Glen has gone all out. Not only does he pay models for their name, image, and likeness, using professional contracts and covering transportation and accommodations, but now he’s really stepped it up on the back end of the site as well. The owner and CEO has hired an art director, associate photographer, and videographer in Michael Young II ( follow him @MichaelYoungII on Instagram). This move will undoubtedly grow the publication and the website even more.

We’re very excited for what the future holds. If you’re not following @AmazonsFitMag – what are you waiting for?! We are incredibly grateful for their support and encourage you to check out their website, YouTube channel, and most definitely follow them on Instagram!!