We are so pleased to welcome athlete, competitor, and coach Lindsey Pelfrey!! Lindsey, your content is always so top notch – from form to execution!! Thank you so much for letting us repost you on StrengthAddicts platforms as well!!
StrengthAddicts: Please share some basics with us. What’s your full name, age, what federation(s) and division(s) you compete in, your hometown, and favorite gyms to train at?
Lindsey Pelfrey: My name’s Lindsey Allison Pelfrey, 32, and I’m an NGA all-natural Figure Competitor. May 4th will be my FIRST show on stage. I’m originally from St. Louis, Missouri, but live in Lexington, Kentucky with my husband and 2.5 year little girl.
SA: Did you play sports throughout your life? How did you discover working out, more specifically weight-training? What were your initial goals? And did your body respond quickly or was it more of a gradual process?
LP: I started competing in gymnastics when I was 3 years old until I was 13 years old. I traveled all around the country and competed at the highest levels. However, at 13 years old I was burned out and ready to play a true “team” sport – so I joined the best club soccer club in Missouri and ended up getting a Division 1 soccer scholarship to Morehead State University. I started really LOVING weight lifting in high school where I was the ONLY female in the all-boys weight lifting class each year. I designed all the lifting and summer speed/agility workouts for my high school soccer teammates. From there my passion for the weight room grew and in college I was among the top female lifters on campus.
SA: With regards to Figure, why did you pick this division? At one point in time it was the hottest thing since sliced bread, but today it seems sandwiched in between Bikini and Wellness. Why is the Figure look your favorite?
LP: I will ALWAYS choose the figure division because to me it is the BEST combination of both beauty/feminine features and muscle. I have far too much muscle to ever enter in bikini and my upper body is probably too dominant for wellness. I truly believe figure is the most well-rounded of the female categories.
SA: With regards to competing, do you work with a coach, and what’s that experience like? How does it compare to self-prepping?
LP: Yes I work with a bodybuilding coach, John Harris @johnnyjuice1 and he’s ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIC!!! I recommend him to everyone. I have been with another coach and while I have no hard feelings toward that individual, I don’t think I prepped as well with him. I just think John and I mesh so well and he understands my desires, my goals, and my life (being a mom, married and 32 years old). John knows that life is gray and we can’t live so black and white all the time. He listens and responds rather than just telling me this is the way and the only way. I don’t think I could or would want to self prep.
SA: What’s your mindset in prep? Do you have any tips for other competitors who may have all their ducks in a row, but still find themselves psychologically at odds?
LP: I have been through prep 3x now, but it’s never actually been the right timing for me. However, I will say prep is just as much (if not more) a mental/psychological long-game than a physical one. I think the main thing I will personally be focusing on will be staying grounded in who I am, what I can control and taking each day 1 step at a time.
SA: In terms of your non-bodybuilding life, how do you manage your love of fitness with work and personal life? Do those in your circle of co-workers, family, and friends understand what your fitness lifestyle is all all out or do you keep the two worlds separate?
LP: My family and friends know how much fitness is a part of my life. It is intertwined in everything I do – whether it’s an actual bodybuilding workout, to family workouts back home in St. Louis, to simply being active with activities with my little family here in Lex. My family enjoys being active and living the lifestyle as well. My husband also works with John, as a life-style bodybuilder.
SA: With regards to people – ladies in particular – who may want to compete, what advice would you give them?
LP: It’s not so much the prep that is hard, but the post-show reverse. I would encourage everyone who preps/competes to give their body grace as you reverse out of it. Also, I highly encourage you to seek help from family, friends, your coach, even a counselor because depression, binge eating disorders, and body dysmorphia is VERY real and you don’t want to go through it alone. Just as much as the bodybuilding community supports you in your prep, let them support you in your reverse.
SA: I’d like to thank you very much for taking the time to do this interview. Please let friends and fans know how we can stay up to date with you. Also, if folks want to work with you, is that an option? Finally please take this opportunity to thank all those who have helped you and please share any parting words. Thanks Lindsey!!
LP: You can follow my 2024 prep journey through my IG account @flex_and_freckles
I am working on obtaining my personal training certification and building my own online coaching program. However, I am accepting clients to work with me and start their fitness journey today.
I want to first and foremost thank my family so supporting me, encouraging me, and loving me throughout the HIGHS and LOWS of bodybuilding and prep. I know it is not always easy. I also want to thank my coach, John Harris, who has been AMAZING from day one and encouraged me to try my luck on stage. He truly believes in me! Lastly, I want to thank all my followers and friends on IG who have been apart of this journey with me and support me every single day. Yall are the best!