Remembering Mr. Kentucky Nate Jackson

Remembering Mr. Kentucky Nate Jackson

When I found out that 2018 Mr. Kentucky Nate Jackson had passed away it took me several minutes to process it. Number one because I hadn’t run him into in a few years and because my best memory of him was his very powerful win at the 2018 Kentucky Open. I remember seeing him at check-in for that contest and not even recognizing him. This is not to say he didn’t usually have a great physique, but for that show, he really tied it all together. He looked absolutely awesome. And the second reason his passing was so difficult for me to grasp was because of his age. No one should pass at 34, but sadly, he did.

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2018 Kentucky Open Champion

I was fortunate enough to have been able to catch up with Nate at that contest and recorded a really good interview with him backstage. I think it really captured a moment in time that was probably very important to him.

Bodybuilders and other physique-based athletes seldom, if ever, have a huge win like Nate had back in 2018. And it was contest where the promoters, Gene Goode and Tina Goode, put their heart and soul into the production. It’s always been a show known for its killer stage and lighting, with plenty of fan seating, and tons of vendors. Maddy was there and she played such an important role in his prep that I made sure we touched upon it during interview. He was just so happy. He’d worked so hard for this.

It’s one thing to place well or to win your class at a contest, both of which are huge achievements, but to get an overall victory at a show stacked with great competitors who gave it their all, that really makes all your efforts in the gym, in the kitchen, and posing all those hours in the mirror really make sense. I’m so happy Nate had that moment back at the 2018 Kentucky Open and I’m so happy I was able to capture a small part of it. That’s how I’ll remember him – all smiles after absolutely killing it on stage.

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Remembering Mr. Kentucky Nate Jackson

RIP Mr. Kentucky.