Martin Fitzwater STRONG TOP 6

Martin Fitzwater STRONG TOP 6

Being ignored is bitter pill to swallow. Imagine putting in the work and being recognized by your peers, getting talked about on social media, and even EARNING the support of some of the most critical pundits in the discipline you’re a part of, but still being ignored. That’s a pretty tough reality to stomach. A lot of people might feel disheartened, but a select few push forward. It takes all sorts to make the world go round. You’ve quitters and whiners, you’ve show-offs, and you’ve got guys just do the work. They get screwed over, they do the work. They get a nice plug, they do the work. They’re maybe not feeling it in the gym – they do the work. Maybe they just can’t get that very last meal in – they eat it. In a very real way, the people who really want something, go all the way. Martin Fitzwater is cut from this cloth.

Martin Is On Fire!!

Martin “The Martian” Fitzwater is a future Mr. Olympia, but you wouldn’t know it from the way he was ignored on Olympia promotions in 2024. Despite my best efforts at tagging Olympia promoter Jake Wood and Olympia president Dan Solomon on many of posts, reels, and articles, Martin just didn’t see the love. I even had a professional graphic made, but still, it didn’t take. I’ve done the same over the years for competitors that deserved the love and were basically being ignored. This includes legends like William “The Conqueror Bonac” and the People’s Champion Roelly Winklaar. As I’ve always said, BUZZ is critical when it comes to big contests like the New York Pro, the Arnold Classic, and Mr. Olympia, respectively. If the promoters of these mega shows don’t include an athlete in promos, it sends a clear message to the industry.

Hosstile Sponsored Athlete

Despite being ignored by the promoter, I’m glad the judges at the Olympia didn’t follow the leader. The reality is the judges looked at Martin closely in an interesting first callout that included seven competitors. Martin not only looks to be in the prestigious Top 6, but he looks to be closer to the Top 3 than the other gentlemen. For me, he outshined Hunter and Rafael. Imagine if a guy who was all but ignored, competing in his first-ever Mr. Olympia, emerged at 4th place! I think that would be a true testament to not sweating the small stuff and doing the work. And for the record, I’ve been clamoring that Martin would be Top 6 even if all the guys who pulled out would’ve been there. Not only that, but this site has been one of the loudest calling the 2024 IFBB Pro League New York Pro judging into serious question. Martin Fitzwater buried Nick Walker there – and – would have buried him in Las Vegas, NV, at the Mr. Olympia.

2024’s Inflated Champion

Oddly enough, the guy that was used to sell tickets, dropped out of his second consecutive Olympia. I couldn’t agree more with Dave Palumbo of RX Muscle in that Nick should’ve done the contest. When you sign a contract as a professional athlete – you show up! Especially, when it’s the Super Bowl of Bodybuilding. That being said, Nick didn’t deserve the win in New York so all the more reason he should’ve showed up. In a very real way, Walker was an inflated champion. The powers that be, whether in Vegas or Pittsburgh, felt he was the golden goose. There’s a reason Derek Lunsford was forced to do photo-ops with him and Samson. Lunsford had no problem posing next to Samson, but it’s on record that he had serious misgivings about drumming up an artificial rivalry with Walker. Nick wasn’t on his level in 2024, but that’s what was wanted. The same applies for that now RIDICULOUS backstage interview at the Pittsburgh Pro, done by Tony Doherty for NPC News Online, where Walker promised to cut Derek’s Olympia tenure short. And now, where’s Nick? He’s not even doing the contest.

Martin Robbed In NY

My issue is not with Nick Walker because Nick didn’t give himself the win. My issue isn’t with the Olympia marketing people, either. Listen, I’m sure that moving forward they won’t make the same colossal blunder next year. But it’s important that Martin get the placing he deserves now. I’d hate for any funny business to go down between the prejudging and the finals. Martin has done everything correctly – including signing with Hosstile and his visit to NPC Photo Gym. He’s also paid his dues, kept his mouth shut, and DONE THE WORK.

Get huge with ANDRO HARD

A lot of people say, why are you talking so much about a guy placing Top 6 and not who’s going to win the show? That’s a fair question. My answer would be that Martin is a competitor who has the real potential to be #1 one day. Making Top 6 in 2024 is the first step. He’s a top tier pro and a serious contender for the top title. Making a strong Top 6 in 2024 is going to put him into an elite category. And not just in terms of his physique, but coupled with what I hope will be the strong support of Hosstile, it’ll raise Martin’s profile by leaps and bounds. A high profile guy doesn’t get ignored the way Martin got ignored in Olympia promos going into the 2024 contest. A high profile competitor makes promoters see dollar signs. That’s how you get on the official posters. That’s how you get to go have lunch with Jake. Otherwise, you could have the best record on paper and the best physique on photos and videos, but you’re not talked about.

Martin has more than paid his dues. I hope he’s NEVER ignored again.