Iran’s Hadi Choopan Robbed At 2024 Olympia

Iran’s Hadi Choopan Robbed At 2024 Olympia

Iran’s Hadi Choopan lost the Mr. Olympia 2023 it was considered a very controversial decision. Instead of whining and having a tantrum, The Persian Wolf vowed to remind the world that he was the best bodybuilder even if he no longer had the title. Choopan announced he would shortly thereafter at his first Arnold Classic in Columbus, OH. Not only did Hadi bring an improved look, many pundits celebrated that look as the best Hadi Choopan physique we’d ever seen. That’s a stark difference from what Big Ramy tried to do after the losing Olympia and competing at the Arnold just a year prior. Choopan did it again at the Arnold Classic UK. Although Derek was Mr. Olympia, Hadi had become the true #1 contender.

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2024 Olympia Robbery

Although Hadi was not better at the 2024 Mr. Olympia than he was at the 2024 Arnold Classic (Ohio), he was significantly better than he was at the 2023 Mr. Olympia. And despite Derek bringing up his chest, Hadi still buried him. Nonetheless, Hadi would come up short. He beat Derek, but would go onto lose against flawed Samson Dauda. Samson – a guy who has never beat Hadi in his entire career – beats a vastly improved Choopan despite visibly putting forth noticeable flaws. And what was up with Samson, anyways? It seemed like his head was in the clouds and what did he do when he landed in Vegas? He went to a gun range? Who does that? Does anyone think Dauda knew he was going to win before the show even started?

Who knows? I’ll say it here one more time, bodybuilding is a sport dominated by POLITICS.