What a phenomenal contest this was! Another huge shoutout goes to Jared Weitzel and his team for really knocking this one out of the ballpark. That’s how this crew does it year after year, providing natural athletes with a great place to compete. The location is perfect. Middletown, Ohio, is just a rock’s throw from Cincinnati, it’s not too far from Dayton, and it’s also within reasonable distance from Columbus. With regards to Ohio, it’s a great place to compete, but the show draws from Kentucky, Wisconsin, West Virginia and beyond. And that’s because the NGA Monster Mash is a themed bodybuilding contest and one that’s a must-do for many natural physique-based athletes. Plus, the stage is phenomenal and to be able to pose down in a theater atmosphere is hard to beat.
Competitors love competing at well-run events. The Monster Mash has a terrific backstage crew that hasn’t lost an athlete yet! Expeditors run around the backstage area, dressing rooms, hallways – you name it! Although each competitor is assigned a contest number and although schedules are posted everywhere, it always happens that someone wanders off at the absolute least opportune time.
Contests that employ competent, passionate people that are ready, willing, and able to put out any number of fires backstage, side-stage, really, anywhere, ensure a world class production. The same goes for the folks manning the ticket booth, the judges, ushers, etc.
Everything looks like it goes off without a hitch, but that doesn’t mean a bodybuilding show doesn’t have many moving parts. So much goes on without the public ever knowing – nor should they know. All that matters is that the contest looks like a hit! The Monster Mash is professionally-run in all aspects!
The National Gym Association (NGA) is a phenomenal sanctioning body that works with tremendous promoters like Jared, Josh Miller of Kentucky, and others. The NGA Pro Card is an extremely sought after honor that all natural athletes aspire to one day earn. Sure, there’s competitors that are maybe doing a contest for fun or as part of a fitness challenge. But it’s those competitors that return for more, who are really vying for those pro cards. They can say it’s just for fun, but I’ve been doing bodybuilding journalism for enough years to know better. When you see the fire in a competitor’s eyes – even the best actor(s) can’t play that down. They’re on a mission and they won’t quit until they reach the mountaintop.

Beware! There are a number of natural bodybuilding shows offered through a number of federations, here, in the United States, but I wouldn’t say they’re all created equal. If you’re a truly natural athlete, then the last thing you want is to compete against un-natural athletes. Anyone can call a show 100% Natural or Drug-Free, but unless the federation and the promoter really check and do their due diligence, then it’s all just talk. The NGA Monster Mash is a contest where EVERYONE is natty. And they make sure of it!
If you’re a natural physique-based athlete, you most definitely should check out the NGA!